Thomas Stewart(non-registered)
Thank you for this web site and sharing your photos they great.
Cynthia Davison(non-registered)
You are a wonderfuly gifted photographer.
I love your photos! I never mind waiting for an appointment, as I view in awe.
Your God given talent is reflected in each shot.
I can see the glory of creation in each one; they seem to be so alive!
One can sense the beauty, the calm, the serene peace of majesty you are seeing yourself; you capture it all so magnificently.
Thank you for sharing your talent with us:-)
Rita Mineo(non-registered)
Such fantastic photos! Although I have enjoyed viewing them previously, I brought them up online for the family to see. Everyone thought they were breath-taking, especially the Tanzania album.
Lawrence Mencotti
Mike—some magnificently beautiful fotos! I envy (in a good way) your Tanzania trip.
Kathleen Bennington
Just checked out the second add to Tanzania - Awesome ! Did any of the animals come close to your vehicle?
Kathleen Bennington
Thank you for sharing the Tanzania Photos! What a trip! Amazing Photos - I can't even imagine what it must be like in person.
Kathleen Bennington
I'm back!!!! Beautiful photos Brother!! Thank you for sharing.
Kathleen Bennington
Wow!! The Bluebirds!! Awesome - Thank you for sharing.
Joyce Walker Higdon(non-registered)
I have just relived the Jenny - Chris wedding ! What a wonderful day you had for me there. Millie and Ray would be so proud. Love you !
Colin Walker(non-registered)
Uncle Mike, You have an amazing talent. I truly enjoy looking through your photos... great times with great people. Love ya man!
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